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Accelerate Understanding!

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The key measure of our success is our customer’s success. ORTUSTECH is dedicated to ensuring that your training investment delivers outstanding business results. Using our service skills development approach, we accelerate understanding while retaining a higher level of competency within your organization.



ORTUSTECH  will take ownership of instrument and IT support

ORTUSTECH  provide support at the enterprise level for data systems

ORTUSTECH  provide guidance in backup and recovery strategies

ORTUSTECH  can rapidly deploy a solution

ORTUSTECH  is an impartial 3rd party and support multiple vendors

ORTUSTECH  delivers solutions at a lower cost

ORTUSTECH  offers flexible support solutions

Bridging the IT Gap

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Modern laboratories utilize complex instrumentation to analyze chemical compounds. Today’s sophisticated instruments are integrated with computer technology in a network environment.

Companies face an array of issues requiring expertise in instrumentation and information technology. Internal IT specialists lack the skill set to integrate instruments within the network and can offer limited assistance. Equipment vendors lack the resources to provide network support to the customer. Additionally, many vendors refuse to support customers in such a capacity due to the sensitive nature of data on an enterprise data network. Laboratory managers are faced with a serious dilemma where there is no clear support structure. ORTUSTECH has the expertise and resources to fill this narrow niche.

End-to-End Integrated Multi-Vendor Support

Comprehensive support of laboratory equipment and data systems:

Qualification Services

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Last modified: September 02, 2005